School Camp Songs
5 May, 2015

There are many well-knowned songs during a great school camp in South Australia which we have all heard over the years. These are a fabulous way to interact and have some fun after a day of activities in a communal area in front of the camp fire.
Of course, these camp songs are best while conducting some memorable night time activities on a school camp.
I have listed the lyrics from a great interractive song " Roosta Shaw" and one that all Australians will know !! There are many,many more to engage your students with.
A Roosta Shaw Song Lyrics:
This is the ultimate camp song where the camp leaders are called up to the front. It’s a great closer when the leaders are already up on stage, and you’re getting ready to close it down for the night. Sometimes referred to as the rooster song.
The leader starts with an easy action “thumbs up”, and the next person in the line adds a new action. Each time, everyone has to repeat the actions and words of all verses, starting with the thumbs up verse:
1st Person shouts “Thumbs Up!”
Group Shouts:
Thumbs up!
1st Person Shouts “Thumbs up!”
Group Shouts “Thumbs Up!”
2nd Person Shouts “Wrists Together!”
Group Shouts:
Wrists Together!
The Chorus is repeated in this manner through the whole line of leaders until no one can stand or yell anymore. Each person adds a new action for each verse such as: Knees Together!; Chin Up!; Elbows Together!; Hop on One Leg!; Butt out!; Tongue Out!, etc.
The Tongue Out! verse typically closes it down!!
And the old Australian Favourite.....
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh, Kookaburra!
Laugh, Kookaburra!
Gay your life must be!
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gum drops he can see
Stop, Kookaburra!
Stop, Kookaburra!
Leave some there for me!
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Counting all the monkeys he can see
Stop, Kookaburra!
Stop, Kookaburra!
That’s not a monkey that’s me!
For more camp songs click the link below:
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