Make this coming year your best year yet
22 December, 2022

For many people, the end of the year is a time to celebrate, reflect and give thanks for the experiences they've had. Others, on the other hand, start looking forward and getting themselves ready for the year coming. If the thought of planning for the future makes you a little nervous, don't worry, we gathered together some tips for making this year your best year yet. Let’s get to it!
Reflect on the previous year
The best way to grow is to learn from the past. For many of us, the New Year is a time of growth and positive change, so we can use the lessons from the past year to point us in the right direction.
However, try not to categorise certain experiences as "good" or "bad." When we start labelling experiences as successes and failures, we begin to colour those experiences in ways that make it more difficult for us to learn from them. Instead, focus on the little things you can take from each experience to make it better as you progress. Learn from the past, be open to change, and consider how the lessons you learn from each experience can be invaluable in the future.
Don’t be too hard on yourself
When we set goals, it's easy to feel upset when we don't achieve them. However, instead of viewing experiences as successes or failures, we can find value and meaning in all of life's events and use each experience as a lesson for future growth.
Focus on things that make you happy
Even the best advice can jeopardise your well-being, especially when it goes against what you really want. Throughout our lives, we all face certain pressures from other people, especially our family and close friends, which, although well-intentioned, may not bring true happiness.
So as we move into this year next year, think about which parts of your life make you happy and which parts you can walk away from. If you feel pressure from close family and friends forcing you into activities and commitments that you don't like, think about what you really want and set goals to achieve them, without breaking the bridge.
Don’t forget to prioritise balance
Regardless of what goals you set, you have to make sure that you are realistic about the impacts these goal may have on other aspects of your life. When you say yes to one thing, you often say no to another.
Balance is the key to a successful year. If you can find the balance between your work/school commitments, family commitments and your own "me" time then you will reap the benefits.
Set S-M-A-R-T goals
Every year, people around the world make "New Year's resolutions" only to give up by the end of January. What's the problem with these resolutions? They are often too vague and too ambitious. Instead of "lose weight" or "get better grades," set smaller goals that will help you achieve them.
The best goals are "SMART" or specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based. So if you want improve your school grades, it's worth considering where your weaknesses lie, as this can help you understand the areas you can improve. Then, consider how to create a study plan, or take a look at our additional academic resources to help you do well on your exams, and finally achieve your goals.
Keep learning
Over the years, many of us have become increasingly specialised, and some even missed opportunities to learn and grow. This year, consider broadening your horizons by learning a new instrument, learning a new language, or taking a course on something you've always wanted to learn. Learning new skills can help you grow and possibly open up new opportunities that were never available to you before.
We hope 2023 is your best year yet!
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