Kayaking Camps for School Groups

2-5 days


maximum 30 students plus teachers

Coorong or Ral-Ral on Murray River

As required

As requried

As per school requirements


Beyond the Boardroom have 2 great canoe / kayak school camps available.

Our main kayaking school camp is our Ral Ral Creek camp.  This camp is a kayak expedition for multiple days, generally is is a 4-5 day camp.  Ral Ral creek is located near Waikerie in the Riverland on the Murray River.  Students take what they need with them for the 4-5 days, kayking the river, setting up camp on the riverbank and cooking on camp stoves.

Our second kayak camp is down the spectacular Coorong National Park.  Kayaking from Hindmarsh Island and sleeping on the Young Husband Peninsula on the edge of the Coorong is absolutely spectacular.

These multi day kayak and canoe camps for school groups push students and teaches them about resilience.  You watch the students confidence grow over the camp as they conquer the paddle, cook and camp in the outdoors and achieve their goals.

How it works

Canoe and Kayak camps are available throughout the year.  Students are in enclosed kayaks so they do not get wet and they are required to take all their camping equipment, food and clothing with them for the expedition duration.

Schools can tailor the camps to suit their requirements including the duration, location, inclusions and more.

Please contact the Beyond the Classroom team for more information.